Climate Resources

NWC has put together a series of educational reports, one pagers, and other resources concerning the high risk of fraud within the fossil fuel and timber industries to help potential whistleblowers, policymakers, and others learn about this pressing issue.

Exposing a Ticking Time Bomb: Fossil Fuel Industry Fraud

NWC's new report describes why deception about companies’ preparedness for climate change risks represents a ticking time bomb that, if not addressed, could contribute to worldwide economic devastation.

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Climate Change Crisis: The Role of Whistleblowers

Watch the National Whistleblower Center's 2020 National Whistleblower Appreciation Day webinar panel on the climate change crisis and the role that whistleblowers can play.

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What Fossil Fuel Whistleblowers Need to Know

Have you witnessed financial fraud at the fossil fuel company or auditing firm where you work? Under modern whistleblower award laws like the Dodd Frank Act, anyone with original information about securities-related crimes can confidentially disclose such information to U.S. law enforcement authorities.

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The Lacey's Act Success in Combating the Illegal Timber Trade

Since 1900, the Lacey Act has been one of the U.S. strongest wildlife protection laws. In 2008, Congress added landmark amendments prohibiting the import of illegally sourced plant materials and products, such as timber and wood products, into the country.

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Oil & Gas Whistleblower FAQ

While there is not a whistleblower law specific to the oil and gas industry, there is a large framework of U.S. laws that address fraud in the oil and gas industry. These laws can protect and reward whistleblowers with knowledge of fraud.

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Coal Whistleblower FAQ

There is a large framework of U.S. laws that address many of the likely frauds in the coal industry. These laws can protect and reward whistleblowers with knowledge of fraud.

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Timber Trade Whistleblower FAQ

Under current laws like the Lacey Act and False Claims Act, whistleblowers can be protected and receive rewards when exposing fraud within the illegal timber trade.

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