Anti-Corruption NGOs Release Principles For International Whistleblower Legislation

Published on December 03, 2009

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Anti-Corruption NGOs Release Principles For International Whistleblower Legislation

Washington, DC. December 3, 2009. In a major development that enhances protections for whistleblowers worldwide, a recommended set of principles for international whistleblower laws endorsed by well-respected NGO’s from countries around the world was released today.
In a worldwide effort spearheaded by Transparency International, experts on whistleblower laws and advocacy from around the world have been working extensively to develop these principles for whistleblower legislation, including participating in an international roundtable in Prague, Czech Republic. Respected studies, such as those conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, have all concluded that fraud is on the rise and that strong protections for whistleblowers are the key to any anti-corruption measures. Transparency International, joined by the National Whistleblowers Center and other anti-corruption groups, have now released the results of their extensive efforts.

Dr. Gina C. Green, Chair of the Board of Directors for the National Whistleblowers Center, issued the following statement:

“There is a recognition internationally that protecting whistleblowers is key to fighting corruption and promoting human rights. The development of these 27 principles for whistleblower legislation is the turning point in the global fight against fraud and corruption because it puts teeth and substance into international anti-corruption laws.”

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