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Published on July 25, 2022

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House Office of the Whistleblower Ombuds to Present at National Whistleblower Day 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. | July 25, 2022 — On Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 2:30 PM the House Office of the Whistleblower Ombuds will present a panel as part of National Whistleblower Center’s (NWC) National Whistleblower Day Celebration.

The House Office of the Whistleblower Ombuds is an independent non-partisan support office that advises the house on best practices for working with whistleblowers from the public and private sector. The Office helps members of the House manage relationships with whistleblowers and protect whistleblower information through interactive trainings in which private sessions may also be requested for more customized questions and content. The Office also provides technical guidance on whistleblower legislation. NWC’s panel will feature the Whistleblower Ombuds staff and Committee on House Administration Staff Director, Tim Monahan, and Deputy Staff Director, Khalil Abboud.

Participants in the panel include:

  • Director, Shanna Devine, played an active role in the bipartisan passage of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012. Played key role in establishing the bipartisan Senate and House Whistleblower Protection Caucuses.
  • Deputy Director, Rebecca Jones, co-authored a guidebook to help whistleblowers safely disclose waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government called Caught Between Conscience and Career.
  • Deputy Director, John Whitty, manages the offices financial and administrative responsibilities has worked directly with the representation of whistleblower clients which includes advocacy and litigation.
  • Staff Director at Committee on House Administration, Tim Monahan, is the staff director and manages all aspects for the committee on House Administration, in which he focuses on House operations.
  • Deputy Staff Director at Committee on House Administration, Khalil Abboud, has used his extensive experience with House procedure and the legislative process to guide and implement the Committee’s legislative and oversight agenda for current House Administration Chairperson Zoe Lofgren.

“National Whistleblower Center champions the critical work being done at the House Office of the Whistleblower Ombuds” said Executive Director Siri Nelson, “Legislators play such an important role in whistleblower outcomes, and it is critical that they are prepared to work with and protect whistleblowers. The Senate should have a companion office – right away!”

National Whistleblower Day has created a letter for constituents to tell their Representatives to join the event. This panel promises to be highly informative, and with this letter the public can tell Congress to show up and demonstrate that whistleblowers are worth their time.

NWC will include three days of programing, and best way to stay updated is to RSVP for the event. NWC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and this work is made possible by our generous donors. Please donate to support our annual celebration.

NWC Executive Director Siri Nelson is available for comment. For more information, contact NWC at info@whistleblowers.org.

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