House passes bill to protect whistleblowers

Published on January 27, 2009

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House passes bill to protect whistleblowers

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House voted Wednesday to strengthen whistleblower protections for federal employees, including those working for the Transportation Security Agency and others employed in national security areas.

The bill also would create specific protections for those who expose abuses of authority by those trying to manipulate or censor scientific research in federal agencies for political purposes. Critics of the George W. Bush administration alleged that scientific findings were often influenced by politics.

The measure, passed by a voice vote, was attached as an amendment to the $819 billion House economic stimulus package.

Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., who sponsored the measure with Rep. Todd Platts, R-Pa., said it was relevant to the stimulus package because that legislation proposes to allot $550 billion in public funds, and “we need to make sure these funds are effectively spent and that they are not lost due to any waste, fraud or abuse.”

“Most significant,” said seven watchdog organizations including the Government Accountability Project, the National Whistleblower Center and the Union of Concerned Scientists, “it creates a permanent shield for federal employee and contractor whistleblowers who challenge any misspending and it will keep protecting taxpayers long after stimulus funds are gone.”

Lawmakers have been trying for nearly a decade to strengthen federal whistleblower protections. Last year the House passed a bill identical to the measure approved by the chamber Wednesday, and the Senate passed a similar bill.

But they were unable to find common ground and faced a veto from the Bush White House, which argued that it could compromise national security and was overly burdensome.

Van Hollen said he was confident the Senate would consider the measure and that President Barack Obama would support it.

The bill would extend rights to all national security whistleblowers, including those at the FBI and the intelligence agencies. Also covered are federal contract workers and some 40,000 airport baggage screeners working for the Transportation Security Agency.

It gives those covered by the measure access to jury trials in federal district court to challenge reprisals and ends the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals monopoly on appellate reviews.

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