What Will Happen When the Senate Votes on Federal Employee Whistleblower Protection?

Published on August 18, 2009

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What Will Happen When the Senate Votes on Federal Employee Whistleblower Protection?

The Senate is expected to act on the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (S. 372) in September.  The NWC is extremely concerned that this bill, although overall progressive legislation, has a number of provisions which if enacted would harm whistleblowers.  The NWC is urging the Senate to fix these provisions and pass a bill that is consistent with the protections in the House version of the bill (H.R. 1507), which guarantees full access to juries for all federal employees and effective protections for national security whistleblowers.

To fully explain the weaknesses in the Senate bill the NWC is publishing a twelve part blog series entitled “What’s Wrong With the Senate Whistleblower Bill?”  In addition, NWC General Counsel David K. Colapinto wrote a legal analysis.
Related News:

  • Senate whistleblower bill doesn’t go far enough, critics say OhMyGov!, 8-24-09
  • FBI whistleblower shields likely to stay Washington Times, 8-20-09
  • Obama-backed bill worries FBI whistleblowers Washington Times, 8-18-09
  • WH sought to weaken law on whistleblowing Washington Times, 8-7-09
  • Secrets and the C.I.A. Letter to the Editor, New York Times, 8-7-09
  • We urge every whistleblower supporter to TAKE ACTION by sending a letter to your members of Congress.
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