Former Federal Procurement Executive Will Testify At House Hearing on Federal Employee Whistleblower

Published on May 13, 2009

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Former Federal Procurement Executive Will Testify At House Hearing on Federal Employee Whistleblower

Washington, D.C. May 13, 2009. On Thursday May 14th at 10 AM, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will be holding a hearing “Protecting the Public from Waste, Fraud and Abuse: H.R. 1507, the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2009.”  Bunnatine (“Bunny”) H. Greenhouse , the highest-ranking procurement official in the Army Corp of Engineers to oppose the no-bid, cost-plus contracts to Halliburton for the reconstruction of Iraq will be testifying in her personal capacity in support of the legislation.

Ms. Greenhouse, a vocal supporter of whistleblower rights, has written a new letter urging Americans to contact Congress and President Obama. In her letter, Ms. Greenhouse explains that despite being stripped from her position following her first testimony before Congress, she decided to testify again because “all employees who report improprieties and waste, fraud, abuse of taxpayer dollars should be protected from retaliation.”

David K. Colapinto, General Counsel of the National Whistleblowers Center, will also be testifying at the hearing.  Mr. Colapinto will be explaining why national security whistleblowers need protection and how they can be protected without jeopardizing national security.

Please visit the National Whistleblowers Center website: for a list of hearing witnesses and links to written testimony, transcripts, and a live feed of the hearing.

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