Save the Date: Stand with whistleblowers this #GivingTuesday

by Dakotah Manson, Program Associate

Published on November 10, 2020

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Save the Date: Stand with whistleblowers this #GivingTuesday

On Tuesday, December 1st, the National Whistleblower Center (NWC) will be kicking off its end of the year fundraising campaign with #GivingTuesday.

#GivingTuesday was created in 2012 from a simple premise: a day that encourages people to do good. Then, as is true now, they recognized that generosity is what gives everyone the power to make a positive change in the lives of others and is a fundamental value anyone can act on.

At a time when the entire globe is impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and as brave whistleblowers continue to step forward exposing shortages in personal protective equipment and fraudulent spending, #GivingTuesday is as important as ever.

Whistleblowers around the world need our support. That’s why NWC is working every day to educate whistleblowers about their rights and protections under law. So please join us on #GivingTuesday and become a part of our ongoing fight against fraud, corruption, and abuse – in Covid-19 spending and more widely.

With whistleblowers and our incredible grassroots supporters, we truly believe we can change the world.

Stand With Whistleblowers

Interested in contributing another way? As you shop for holiday gifts and great deals on Amazon, you can support the National Whistleblower Center. Go to and select NWC as your non-profit of choice. Then every time you shop, just start at that site. It’ll remember your choice.

It only takes a minute – and any amount goes a long way towards ensuring that the brave people who blow the whistle on waste, fraud, and corruption have the protections and incentives they deserve.

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